Storage Device

Reliable Solution for Critical RAID Failures are Now Available in India

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When industries first started using computers, the need was only to store data in a digital media instead of paper files. As the data was stored only on single hard drives, the data storage capacity was limited. Moreover, there was always a fear for hard drive failure and loss of precious data. These problems pave the way for inventing the technology, RAID. RAID solved the problems by providing huge data storage space and fault tolerant mechanism against any instance of physical hard drive failure. However, there are worse conditions, when even the advanced RAID array fails and you lose the access to valuable data stored in the connected drives. Under such situations, you can take the help of RAID recovery services and recover the lost/inaccessible data back.

RAID stands for the term – ‘Redundant Array of Independent Disks‘. It is a useful technology that brings together multiple hard drives and builds a single fault tolerant system with huge storage capacity. RAID has been categorized into different levels, depending upon the fault tolerant mechanism and number of hard disks involved in it. In this respect, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 etc are considered as simple RAID levels, where as RAID 50, RAID 51, RAID 6, RAID 6EE, RAID ADG etc are considered as the complex ones.

RAID stores data by distributing them across multiple hard drives in a unique pattern. Data storage and retrieval process of the entire RAID array are managed by a controller chip – ‘RAID Controller’. In case of systems with RAID level 5 or above, if one of the disk drives fails, you can easily restore the data by the ‘Rebuild’ operation, after replacing the faulty drive. But, when two or more drives fail simultaneously, the situation becomes critical and even a small problem can cause serious loss or inaccessibility of precious data.

Due to their complex data storage architecture and data distribution pattern, data recovery from damaged RAID drives requires high level expertise and advanced tools. Therefore, it is always advised to take the help of any professional RAID data recovery service provider to do the job rather risking the data by self recovery attempts.

About The Author


Girish is a blogger and writer. He has over 6 years of experience in Data Recovery and Data Eraser technology. In his free time, he writes about technical tips and tutorials.

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